Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Bidroop : Dapatkan uang dari internet hanya dengan membagikan kode unik!

Hari ini saya tersandung pada "BIDROOP", cara revolusioner baru untuk mendapatkan uang secara online yang benar-benar gratis

Apa Bidroop?
Bidroop adalah sebuah gerakan internet yang inovatif. Pada bidroop semua orang dapat membangun jaringan pribadi dan mendapatkan dengan mereka. Semakin besar jaringan yang adalah, semakin dia bisa mendapatkan.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang situs di sini adalah video tentang cara kerjanya dan melihat seberapa baik kesempatan ini untuk kita.


Satu hal lagi, situs ini baru saja diluncurkan Juli lalu 1, 2013, itu berarti jika Anda mendaftar sekarang Anda akan kesempatan untuk menjadi salah satu anggota pelopor dan berada di puncak rantai. Dan satu lagi info yang penting, smua ini GRATIS !!! Tidak dikenakan biaya atau modal apapun.

Tertarik? Kunjungi BIDROOP sekarang dan mendaftar!, Anda tidak ingin menjadi hak terakhir?

Gunakan kode undangan unik untuk mendaftar.



Ayo, siapa cepat dia dapat !!!

Jika Anda tidak dapat bergabung dengan kode ini, komentar saja di thread ini, nanti saya akan menambahkan kode unik lainnya

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Bidroop : A New Way to Earn Money Online

Today I stumble upon "BIDROOP", its a new revolutionary way to earn money online that is absolutely free

What is Bidroop?
Bidroop is an innovative internet movement. At bidroop everybody can build personal networks and earn with them. The bigger ones network is, the more he can earn.

For more information about the site here is a video on how it works and see how good this opportunity to us.


One more thing, this site was just launched last July 1, 2013, that means if you register right now you will the chance to be one of the pioneer members and be on top of the chain.

Interested? Visit the www.bidroop.com now and register!, you don't want to be the last right?

Use this unique invitation code to register.


If you can't join with these codes, just comment (moreover add email if want) and i will add more unique code.

Enjoy earning money everyone!

First come, first serve on invitations guys so hurry!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Walking Dead : 400 Days

 IT’S HEREEEEEEEEEEE! Telltale Games has blessed us with a sneak peak at the new episode for the Walking Dead 400 Days! We only have ONE question: Will they address whatever happened to Clementine???!?!

For more information, check at this site
Walking Dead : 400 Days


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Bules - in view, in the comment, liked, got money :D

Post article, in view, in the comment, liked be $ 0.01 If in view 30x, 10x in the comment, liked 10x, meaning it can be $ 0.5 If in view 100x, 20x in the comment, liked 20x, meaning it can be $ 1.4

Join here

The rules are:

1. Post 10x maximum in 24 hours

2. The post must use the English language

3. Should now copy-paste, have to write an original article

4. No sex thing

5. The article need more than 400 characters

6. Minimum withdraw $ 25 (PayPal)


You post 10 articles

- 1 article you are in view 30x, 10x in comment, liked 10x, meaning one article get $ 0.5

- 10 articles can be $ 5

- 1 in view your article 100x, comment 30x, 30x liked means

1 article article can get a $ 1,610 $ 16 (U.S. $ 160,000) per DAY!!!!!

Immediately join

When all of you still confused, do not hesitate - to comment here, i'll help you

This is the proof of my first payment in the june (PO minimum of $ 25)


Let's Bubbling together, add my ID if you have registered

my id drrockydr

Monday, July 1, 2013

Bules - diView, diComment, diLike dapet uang gan :D

Post Artikel (pake English), di view, di comment, dilike dapat $0.01 Kalo di view 30x, di comment 10x, dilike 10x, berarti dapat $0.5 Kalo di view 100x, di comment 20x, dilike 20x, berarti dapat $1.4

Join disini 

Peraturannya :
1. Post maksimal 10x dalam 24 jam
2. Postnya mesti pake bahasa inggris
3. Gak boleh copas , harus nulis artikel buatan sendiri
4. Gak boleh porno2 :)
5. Artikelny harus lebih dari 400 karakter
6. Minimum withdraw $25 (paypai)

Anda post 10 artikel
- 1 artikel anda di view 30x, di comment 10x, dilike 10x, berarti 1 artikel dapet $0.5
- 10 artikel dapat $5

- 1 artikel anda di view 100x, dicomment 30x, dilike 30x berarti
1 artikel dapet $1.610 artikel dapat $16 (Rp. 160.000) per HARI!!!!!

Langsung join aja gan

Bila ada yg masih bingung,jangan segan - segan comment di sini, ane bantu

Yang masih bingung situs ini mbayar ato ga,barusan aja kemaren juni ane dipayout ( PO minimal $25)

Mari BerBubling bersama, add ID ane di sana nanti klu agan udah daftar
id ane drrockydr

Monday, January 10, 2011

I'm Back !!!

Hi everybody...
Still remember me? :D
I've been vacuum from blogging-thing for more one year...
And now, I'm COME BACK !!!
It's so sad to see my followers have reduced to only two, but it doesn't matter, i'll begin this project from zero...
Just wait and see, okay !!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Metode Rahasia Mendapatkan Dollar Gratis ! ( No PTC, No PTS, No PTR, etc )

Metode Rahasia...
Bagaimana mendapatkan $$$$ Dari Internet Tanpa Modal Sedikitpun!

By : Rocky N
Content : "Bisnis internet tanpa modal dan gampang"

Halo para Internet Maniac !!!
Apa kabar?semoga dalam keadaan sehat selalu..
Gue ngak mau panjang lebar lagi..

Disini gue mau ngasih metode Rahasia dalam bentuk word (.doc) yang dilengkapi Panduan Step by Step Plus Screen shotnya, jadi mudah di pahami

Metode ini tidak berkaitan dengan:

- JUDI ( Casino )
- Dll

Metode Ini Ngak akan Gw Jual 200rb, 500rb bahkan 1 Juta

Ngak banyak bicara lagi...

GRATISSS!! Tapi hanya untuk yang serius saja !!

Untuk dapat mendapatkan buku ini, silahkan download di : ( klik link di bawah )


Dan apabila ada pertanyaan, silahkan komen di bawah...

Cara yang gue beritau ini, bener - bener gratis dan tanpa modal. Kamu cukup melakukan apa yang ditulis di buku itu. Dan jika jerih payah kamu sudah berhasil, kamu bisa mendapatkan uang itu lewat PayPal...

Apa itu PayPal ? Cek di :


Bukti jerih payah gue ndapetin dollar gratis :

Bukti uang ditransfer ke PayPal gue dan gue kirim ke rekening bank Indonesia gue :

Dan apabila ada pertanyaan, silahkan komen di bawah...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Biarkan sistem itu berjalan dan mengisi rekening anda dengan uang setiap harinya...

Akhir - akhir ini, banyak sekali situs - situs yang menawarkan kekayaan instan kepada pengunjungnya.

"Ayo, dapatkan 50 juta perbulan, hanya dengan membaca panduan saya selama 10 menit !!!"
"Instan Cash 10 juta langsung ke rekening anda bila anda melakukan metode yg ada di e-book saya, dijamin !!!"
"Hanya dengan modal 100 rb, bahkan 50 rb, kamu bisa dapetin 100 juta hanya dalam 2 jam !!!"

Bla bla bla dan sebagainya...

Semua manusia normal, pasti akan tergiur dengan tawaran tersebut. Apalagi mereka dengan bangganya menawarkan " GUARANTEED !!! Bila tidak mendapatkan profit, uang kembali 100% " Jujur, saya pun tergiur dengan tawaran itu, dan pernah mencoba sekali ( www.**u***o*.com , maaf saya tidak bisa memberitau situsnya secara detail)
Tapi apa yg saya dapatkan setelah membayar??? Ternyata semua taktik untuk mendapatkan uang tersebut adalah JUDI !!!
Saya kaget stengah mati, kebingungan antara melakukan metode tersebut atau tidak. Karena seperti yg kita tahu, di agama manapun, JUDI itu HARAM !!! atau DOSA BESAR !!!
Untung saja metode tersebut tidak jadi saya lakukan, dan mengikhlaskan uang saya ( Dianggap amal, daripada stres !!! ). Akhirnya gara2 pengalaman tersebut, saya menjadi lebih berpengalaman dalam urusan bisnis2 seperti itu. Dan tidak mau sembarang saja join program2 seperti itu.

Beberapa bulan kemudian, saya menemukan situs yg sama seperti itu. Menawarkan Kesuksesan di bisnis internet hanya dengan 1 langkah saja, dan biarkan sistem yang mengisi rekening anda dengan uang. Awalnya saya tidak yakin dengan situs ini ( gara2 pengalaman JUDI di atas ) Namun, lama kelamaan, pintu bisnis saya yg selama ini tertutup untuk bisnis seperti itu, lama - lama cair dengan sendirinya. Karena saya situs tersebut, memberi bukti yg nyata tentang kesuksesannya, Fotonya, Rekeningnya, bahkan dia menunjukkan situs dan blognya yg sudah dibanjiri komentar2 banyak orang. Akhirnya untuk kedua kalinya saya mengikuti bisnis internet tersebut.
Ternyata benar apa kata orang tersebut, dalam beberapa hari rekening sudah di transfer uang sesuai yg dikatakan. Padahal, baru saja join beberapa hari di situs tersebut.

Apabila anda ingin mengetahui bagaimana sistem itu bekerja, silahkan klik gambar di bawah ini

Thursday, June 25, 2009

PayingPost.com = get paid for blogging !!

Have you ever heard about PayingPost.com ?...
Maybe some of you have already knew about it. PayingPost.com is a blog-business site. That means, this site doing some business in blogging. It will pay anyone who like to write some reviews on his/her blog. How come ? It's simple man, just join this site, register your blog, and begin to earn lot of money just for write some reviews at your blog. That's easy right ??!!

And for you who want to advertise about something, you can do it too in PayingPost.com. Just join the Advertiser member, and put your link or something that want to be reviewed in this payingpost.com. After that, you just have to wait, and in a few days, that link will be written in many blogs in the internet. Wow, it's just that simple man...

PayingPost.com is one of the best blogging site i think. Why ? Because this site offer you many jobs. It's not like other blogging sites, they just offer you one or maybe just two jobs every month. However, PayingPost.com is different. They always offer you many jobs to do, now it depends on you which job you want. Isn't that great ?

You will get paid via PayPal if you want to withdraw your money from your account. This site is legit and paid. Just join and begin to earn extra money from blogging...^^

If you want to join this site and begin to earn some money, just join this site...
get paid to post

If you want to know how does the system works, just look at this...
How Does The System Works

If you still confused how the review was, just look at this one. It's one of the best review that will get some extra money from paying ( read the "How Does The System Works" )...
Make Money Blogging

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sponsored Review is one way to advertise your product in the internet

Nowadays, lots of people try to advertise it’s product in the blog. They think this way is more benefit than advertise in the paying advertising sites ( I mean a site that will advertise our link / product in the internet, however there is a cost in order to do it, so it’s not free ) How come ?

Let me give you an example to answer that question. Think again, which one you prefer, playing playstation in your home ( you own that playstation ) or play playstation in the rental place ( which you must pay every hour in order to play the video game ) I think many people will prefer to play in the home rather than in the rental place. Why ? Because it’s free and no cost at all, compare with play in the rental which you must pay every hour to play. It’s just like that, people like to make a review about its own product in its blog and let all the visitors in internet to see and read it.

People like to do it’s way, free and manage to get some customers to see at our product. However, some companies like to offer some blogger ( someone who has a blog and sell its blog for advertising problem ) to write the review about the company’s product in it’s blog, and if the company like the review, they will pay the blogger with nice amount of money. Isn’t that a business after all ?

Inspired from :

Sponsored reviews are products that you review on your blog